Windows Apache v2.4 & PHP v7 Memory leak with phpbb

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Windows Apache v2.4 & PHP v7 Memory leak with phpbb

Post by southhawkct »

Hello internet. So i found that upgrading to php 7.0 or 7.1 with apache 2.4 causes a memory leak on multiple windows machine. Previously, i did not have a memory leak with php version 5.6. however i did find that the 64 bit version of apache/php climbed all the way up too 256MB of Ram consumption and then automatically restart the service. The bad news is, the 64bit version would take ~ 1 min for the service to crash out and restart a new instance and making the site unreachable. Interestingly enough, i gave the 32 bit version a try. The 32 bit version would consume about 512MB of ram before crashing/restarting. The good news is, it takes <5 seconds for it to do this and it doesnt make the site unreachable. hopefully this helps someone out there! enjoy! :geek:
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