Installed Spintech Mufflers on a 2001 Ford Mustang GT Bullitt

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Installed Spintech Mufflers on a 2001 Ford Mustang GT Bullitt

Post by southhawkct »

Disclaimer! Warning this is to be used as a guide and I will not be held responsible if anything goes wrong or you break anything. DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK!

Installed Spintech Mufflers on a 2001 Ford Mustang GT Bullitt
Installed on: 5/3/2002
Total Install time: 2 hours
Purchased from

Photo one:
Here's a photo of the Spintech boxes

Photo two:
Here's on photo shot of the install..

Photo three:
Another Photo shot of the mufflers.

Sound Clips
mustang.mp3 Mp3 Audio File (392k) Of the Car with the Magnaflow X-pipe and stock mufflers
mustang2.mp3 Mp3 Audio File (500k) Of the Car with the Magnaflow X-pipe and Spintech mufflers
South Hawk Computing LLC Owner :ugeek:
Any advice / recommendations given on this forum should ONLY be preformed at the user's own risk. South Hawk LLC does not offer any guarantees or warranties when a user attempts to try these fixes on their own. We are NOT responsible for any damages that may or may not occur to your devices. :geek:

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